Leader - Blog 13

Sharuka Rajapaksha
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Generally, there are several preliminary assumptions considered important to good leadership. In this article, I expressed some of my personal experience and knowledge about a leader.

In my 3 years of career in Finland and the international job market, I worked with several leaders. Not only in the software industry but also in other industries, they are commonly known as “Team Lead” or some other similar names. But from my viewpoint, I didn’t see all of them are leaders and some of them didn’t even deserve to hold that position.

When it comes to social and communication skills, effective communication and strong social skill is the key to good leadership. Clearly and effectively communicate with coworkers and need strong social skills to act according to the situation by handling the pressure. A leader must continue a fair conversation with his/her team at least once per week to get a better understanding of the progress, problems, and feedback of coworkers. First, a leader must look at the situation from the coworker’s point of view and must confirm if the situation is 100% true or not. Then based on the proofs and circumstances leader must have the experience and knowledge to make the right decision at the moment by looking at the situation fairly.

Moreover, when a project is initiated with an external stakeholder leader must join these client meetings to get a better understanding of the vision and requirements of the project. I experienced some leaders who didn’t take part in these client meetings and behalf of that sent their coworkers to cover these meetings and gather requirements from clients. Then if these coworkers didn’t gather the client’s requirements accurately and the project was not on the right pathway these sorts of people named “leaders” try to put it into their team’s account and try to release themselves from that. It is not a quality of a good leader and this is only one example and there are many.

Visionary: Having a clear vision about the future goals that the team needs to accomplish in a particular time frame. Leaders should have strong communication skills to explain their visions and goals for their coworkers clearly and answer the questions coming from the audience. Trustworthiness, integrity, honesty, and ethics are other important qualities that good leaders must have.

Good leadership: Directing and motivating individuals and groups of stakeholders to achieve a common goal is defined as leadership. Clear vision about the final goal, strong communication, and social skills, courage to take on challenges and responsibilities, and making the right decisions are the characteristics of a good leader who can provide good leadership.

This will help you to get a better understanding of the common skills of a leader. Share your knowledge and experience with everyone about leaders. See you in the next blog! Bienvenido👋.

Bienvenido — is a Spanish greeting that means “welcome” in English.

