Outsourcing - Future with outsourcing - Blog 12

Sharuka Rajapaksha
4 min readDec 13, 2023

This article was conducted on outsourcing and the main functionalities that companies must know about outsourcing when executing their business process to accomplish customer satisfaction while building an enormous brand name in the industry. This article exhibits the main challenges that software companies must face when outsourcing, the positive and negative impact of outsourcing, and how to avoid the disadvantages of the negative impact of outsourcing. Moreover, this article revealed the top facts that support enhancing the productivity of software companies through outsourcing by minimalizing the negativity of outsourcing. It was named this article as “future with outsourcing” because it will be a must to do outsourcing when moving forward in the industry.

Advantages: Cooperating with external organizations or individuals to accomplish unique functions or tasks that are executed inside of an organization is known as outsourcing. Transferring the responsibility to manipulate and control the activities of a third-party service provider includes this process. Information Technology (IT) services, customer support, production planning (PP), administrative tasks, and payroll management are some of the functions of an organization that can be outsourced. Reducing cost, being able to access expertise in the appropriate industry, enhancing the efficiency of the business process, and company got an opportunity to concentrate on core business areas are the advantages of outsourcing.

Awareness of outsourcing: Based on several reasons software companies should be aware of outsourcing. Outsourcing is a more acceptable alternative to reduce costs while executing software development projects. When an organization outsource a particular task or project to external service providers the organization can reduce the cost that they must spend on human resources and business operations. However, this advantage can differ when a company outsources from countries with lower labour costs. Through outsourcing software companies can access international industrial experts that cannot be found inside of the organization. Utilizing the wide knowledge capacity and capability to enforce experts in specific technologies and tools to accomplish business goals are some advantages that can be achieved from outsourcing.

Impact of outsourcing on software companies: Outsourcing is positively impacting the cost of the software company. When a company outsource labour or resources from countries with low labour cost can significantly impact to reduce the cost of the business process because sometimes it can cost a lot to hire labourers from their own country. So, a company can increase revenue and profit while accomplishing business goals with lower labour costs. Outsourcing labourers for lower costs will be beneficial for repetitive and low-value tasks because with minimum internal stakeholders’ the company can achieve business goals while focusing on core business functions. Outsourcing labourers or resources from countries offers an additional advantage too. That is when hiring employees from different time zones will allow software companies to deliver service 24/7 while the mother company is closed. Then software companies gained an opportunity to supply services and products to international clients and it opened the door for new high-demand markets and customer segments.

Executing the business process efficiently is mandatory for every software company during a business project. By outsourcing non-core activities to external service providers, companies can concentrate on core business functions and can achieve business goals efficiently without escalating deadlines. Then companies can hand over the project to the client on time with additional test rounds. Thus, this can impact the company’s brand name positively and it will help the company to become a top-level employer in the industry.

Main issues of outsourcing: Not only the advantages there are some disadvantages when the outsourcing. When a software company hire labourers from different countries it can be difficult to collaborate with them because of language barriers, cultural differences, working quality, and ethics. Thus, it can impact the quality of the service or product and clients feel the service or product is different than previous service or product. It will negatively impact the brand name because customers are not satisfied with the service or product. In cases like this, software companies need to communicate with the external labourers and explain the exact requirements of the client and what should be the quality of the result. But sometimes it is difficult to communicate with international labourers who work in different time zones. Moreover, unclear communication tools and technologies, incorrect requirement understanding, and cultural barriers have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the business process.

This will help you to achieve a basic knowledge about outsourcing. Share your knowledge with everyone about outsourcing. See you in the next blog! Hola👋.

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